Hi there! July
14, 2014
So this week was interesting, I KNOCKED DOORS FOR THE FIRST
TIME IN MY MISSION. Let me explain
I spent the week with another sister, Sister de Oliveira, in
what is probably the RICHEST area of the mission. Plus side: we got to go to
the gym that’s part of their apartment complex to exercise in the morning. Also,
all the members have cars. Down side: it’s really dang hard to find someone who
wants to listen to our message.So it was a really good growing experience for me. I don’t think I´ve been sufficiently grateful for my mission - Missão Brasil Natal. It really is heaven on earth here. In general, the people want to listen! We see miracles every day! We always have people to teach! I am so, SO grateful that the Lord has put me in a place where the people will listen to me. Most of my mission has been teaching, not finding people to teach, and this has made the experience that much sweeter. This past week was a rough wake up call to what the rest of the world is like, when people DONT want to hear and I have an even greater love and respect for the missionaries serving in different parts of the world.
But, live and learn, right? One thing my mission president
loves to say is
Ser diligente é fazer tudo certo mesmo que tudo está dando
errado. - To be diligent is to do everything right even when everything is
going wrong. Words to live by. I’m still working on my diligence.We are working with 2 WONDERFUL families right now that really, really need your prayers! Dantas and family are a mom, dad, and 4 children that are less-active and live NEXT DOOR to the Church. (Even still, they find excuses to not go to church...?) We have been teaching and preparing they´re youngest daughter, Alice, for baptism these past weeks and she was finally baptized yesterday!!! But the real work is helping the whole family come back. They are so close!!!!! They never went to the temple :( But that’s why we´re here. We taught the plan of salvation and asked Alice (8 years old) if she want to be with her family forever and she said, Yes of course! And the mom almost cried. They are so close, but we don’t know what is keeping them from returning! So....prayers. Please. I just want to get this family to the temple.
We are also teaching Tiago Fransisco and Cristiane, and
their 3 sons. We had a really spiritual lesson last night and read John 3
together and asked what it means to be born again. The spirit was SO STRONG and
at the end of the lesson it was so natural to invite them all to prepare to be
baptized. It was the Spirit that taught everything, and they accepted to
prepare for August 10th! We need to help them get married first, but that’s
okay we have the Lord on our side. One more family to put on the path to the
Close with a little spiritual thought-
As missionaries (and members) that have taken upon us the
name of Christ, we often have a very good idea the weight and responsibilities
that this name carries. At least, I never forget. I never forget the magnitude
of what I have to do and who I represent. But don’t have the same understanding
of all the blessings and saving grace that is the other side of these
covenants. When we are sincerely, honestly striving to do our best and give
everything the Lord will complete our efforts. Our best efforts won’t always be
up to the task, but He has promised to never leave us alone. Never. Remember
that covenants are a two-way promise, and the Lord has promised to do His part
when we do ours.
I love you all! Until next week!
-Sister Carroll
(Also, I almost cried this week because of the World Cup. It’s
just plain sad!!!!! )
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