This past week has been WONDERFUL. Wanna know why? Because of Conferência Geral, that's why! Presidente Monson promised that the best blessings of conference would come after conference as we lived what we learned. When I heard that, I had a hard time believing it because conference was such a wonderful huge blessing and tender mercy from the Lord that I couldn't possibly imagine how it could get better. But the gospel is all about DOING. It doesn't matter if we study the scriptures every day if we don't start acting on what we read. Likewise with Conferência. And I saw so many miracles this week.
First off, I love my companion with all my heart and wouldn't trade her for the world. But we both have leader-complexes, which makes it tricky sometimes and we had been having more rough patches than usual in the past couple weeks. This week was so wonderful - we worked really well together, were able to laugh together when everything fell apart, and had really meaningful companionship study. I found out on Friday that we had both chosen (independently), to study and apply the talk from Saturday morning about the Christ like attribute of meekness. Coincidence? I don't think so :)
We've been working for over a month with a mother and a son. The son goes to church, but the mother (Aldeiza) goes to her mothers house on Sunday mornings and would never come to church. BIG problem! We've tried to teach her everything we can think of - the importance of Sabbath day worship, the importance of being an example to children, but nothing was working. Then, Saturday, I had the strongest impression to share the scripture that EVERYONE used on Sunday about the first great commandment and loving the Lord with all your heart. We taught this principle and I was soooo afraid that she was going to tell us to get out because, you know, its a little harsh to tell someone that they need to put the lord before their own mother. She sat there quietly for a minute and then said, Vou, Eu vou. (I will go). Ahhhh!!!! Aldeiza e Luis both came to church yesterday and had a really wonderful experience and it was so exciting to see them there. I cant wait to see where this family goes.
finally, MEMBER MISSIONARY WORK! Nossa, this is important. We've had so many lessons with members who sacrifice so much for our pesquisadores that they've never met. Its inspiring to me. In particular, we had a lesson with bispo and his wife with our investigator Antônio. There was the strongest spirit there, everyone was close to tears. When the missionaries and the members work together, miracles happen. This is the truth that the profeta of the Lord tried to teach us last week. This is what we need to do. I love my ward (Orick Graff Mom haha) and I am so excited to teach their friends and their family. We are going to change this city and this stake when we work together with the Lord.
Please, anyone reading this, call your missionaries RIGHT NOW! Make an appointment to go out with them. But that isn't nearly enough. Don't just teach with the missionaries, but bring new investigators to the missionaries. There are people within your circle of influence that are dying to hear the gospel. If you just open your mouth, the Lord will give you the words to say. It just takes a little bit of faith :)
I love you all so much! We have 3 batismos this weekend - Lucas, Iara, e Antônio. Please pray for them as much as you pray for me, because I can feel your prayers and they bring me so much strength.
Sister Carroll
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